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发布时间:2022-03-24 16:31人气:

ü 模块有下面几种形式:

Ø  独立式射频模块 (Single-modular transmitter)是指包含完整的射频发射电路的产品,其功能仅仅缺少输入信号和供电电源。这个模块可被安装于其它设备中,如笔记本电脑、DC播放器或DVD等产品 。

Ø 分离式射频模块(Split-modular transmitter)指必须包含射(高)频端无线电发射电路,以及在控制元件和无线电发射机前端进行控制信息和其它数据交换的电路。

Ø 限制性独立式射频模块(Limited single-modular transmitter)指不能完全符合独立式射频模块要求的射频模块。

Ø 限制性分离式射频模块(Limited split-modular transmitter)指不能完全符合分离式射频模块要求的射频模块。

Ø 独立式射频模块 (Single-modular transmitter)的界定条件 (part 15.212)

1)RF shielding.

           The radio elements must have the radio frequency circuitry shielded. Physical   components and tuning capacitor(s) may be located external to the shield, but must be on the module assembly;



2)Buffered data input/output ports

           The module must have buffered modulation/data inputs to ensure that the device will comply with Part 15 requirements with any type of input signal;

          射频模块需含有缓冲调制和数据输入电路以确保射频模块能满足Part 15 法规要求的各种类型的输入信号。


3) Power supply regulation

           The module must contain power supply regulation on the module;



4) Permanent antenna or unique connector

           The module must contain a permanently attached antenna, or contain a unique antenna connector, and be marketed and operated only with specific antenna(s), per Sections 15.203, 15.204(b), 15.204(c), 15.212(a), 2.929(b);

         射频模块必须包含一个永久和这个模块使用的天线,或者包含一个特殊要求的天线连接口,和在市场上销售和运转仅仅和这个特定的天线在一起,按照章节15.203, 15.204(b), 15.204(c), 15.212(a), 2.929(b);要求。


5)Testes in “stand alone” condition

          The module must demonstrate compliance in a stand-alone configuration; i.e. , the module must not be inside another device during testing for compliance with part 15 requirements. Unless the transmitter module will be battery powered, it must comply with the AC line conducted requirements found in § 15.207. AC or DC power lines and data input/output lines connected to the module must not contain ferrites, unless they will be marketed with the module (see § 15.27(a)). The length of these lines shall be the length typical of actual use or, if that length is unknown, at least 10 centimeters to insure that there is no coupling between the case of the module and supporting equipment. Any accessories, peripherals, or support equipment connected to the module during testing shall be unmodified and commercially available

       射频模块测试需在单机的结构下进行测量,也就是说,在进行Part 15 测试时,射频模块不允许放在其它设备内测试。除非射频模块使用电池供电,模块符合章节15.207 关于交流传导电源骚扰的要求。连接模块的交流或直流电源线和数据输入线不能含有磁环,除非它是可以在市场上直接销售的产品。这些线的长度应选用实际使用的长度,如果长度未定义,应选用最小10 cm 以确保在模块与支持系统无任何藕合的线,模块在测试期间所连接的任何附件、周边或支持系统必须是市场流通且无任何修改的产品.


6) Labeled with own ID number

          The module must be labelled with its permanently affixed FCC ID label, or use an electronic display

         模块必须有它永久固定的FCC ID标签,或者使用一个电子显示标签。

–  If using a permanently affixed label, the modular transmitter must be labeled with its own FCC identification number, and, if the FCC identification number is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as the following:  Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID:  YZMODEL1” or “Contains FCC ID: XYZMODEL1.” Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used. The host OEM user manual must also contain clear instructions on how end users can find and/or access the module and the FCC ID.

       如果利用的是永久固定式标签,射频模块必须有自己的FCC ID 号码,并且如果当模块放置到其他产品中时标签不可见,则其产品外部需显示所涵盖模块的相关标签, 外部标签的描述例如: “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: XYZMODELl”或“Contains FCC ID: XYZMODEL1,也可以使用任何能表达类似内容的描述。注: XYZMODELl 仅仅是表示一个申请的FCCID 号码。同时在主机产品的说明书上必须包括清晰的说明怎样让最终使用者发现或访问这个模块和FCC ID。


7)Instructions to operator / OEM integrator

       The module must comply with all specific rules applicable to the transmitter including all the conditions provided in the integration instructions by the grantee;



8) Must meet RF Exposure requirements.

       The modular transmitter must comply with any applicable RF exposure requirements in its final configuration.

       射频模块必须满足任何射频暴露要求,而且独立式射频模块一律被视为距离人体大于20 cm 的设备(mobile device)。

